Wednesday, January 30, 2013

words i found

No one should put anything they dream or have a desire to do in their life aside. It's precious. You never know what can happen. I know we all have to realistic here and there, with jobs and such to live, but there is a line. I've been holding on way above that line that is not needed. The things I have that I do not need. The home I live in that is well beyond my means. I don't need it. I've never needed it. I've always known that none of that has made me happy. It's my family, it's my friends, it's the music, the sunshine, the grass, the trees and the world I will soon discover with my own two eyes, and touch with my own two hands, feel on my own two feet, and hear with my own two ears. I get to smile, I get to feel, I get to love, I get to do these things because God has blessed me with them.

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