Monday, February 21, 2011

Mango No-Bake w/coconut milk

Aaaaaalright friends. Here's what on the list for today.

I'm going to do a Mango no-bake cheesecake topped with coconut milk. I was inspired by a recent trip to Sawatdee. I would like to add sticky rice in there to make it even more amazing, but I think this will do for this round of experimentation. I'm pretty pumped for it!

A side note idea:
Dirt Cup cheesecake: Oreo cookie crust with a milk chocolate pudding base. Topped with homemade chocolate chip whipped cream and gummy worms.

On a side note, when the hell is this snow going to stop? I'm pretty sure it's a stupid infinite rain cloud of the Mpls/St. paul area. Guess I can't complain, I got a snow day out of it. :)

Here's a little story of my day:

Because my apartment complex hasn't plowed any of it's private lots of roadways. I did this: 
Freezing/sweating my butt off for 45 mins, shoveling a spot for my little Yaris, some jerk in a huge 4x4 diesel truck idled thinking I was doing it for him. I gave him the hell no head shake, put my shovel in the spot, he drove away. Also some creapster is 'stalled' in the parking lot smoking for the past 3 hours asking for rides to the gas station even when it's two blocks away, cops showed up too. Interesting day.
But I'm still in an incredible mood. :-)

Enjoy your snow day if you had one as well!!


1 comment:

  1. Forgot to buy graham crackers, had to use honey nut cheerios for the crust :) Not bad, but 'twil be better next time :)
