Thursday, May 31, 2012

Looking in...

...looking out. When I'm truly happy I see things in a different light. A perspective I never want to lose, but end up losing in the midst of all that's crazy in this world. Especially in the winter, cloudy stuff in Minnesota winters. This state is lovely, but only 4 months out of the year. Living for those 4 months kills me when it's over, then I can't wait for it to begin. Certainly in March & April. I feel like a unhappy caged animal nursing a wound. If only I could learn how to hibernate, if only. I need a place of sunshine and smiling faces. MN you don't get that all the time. Well not everywhere you get that ALL the time, but more than 95 days a year. I would LOVE 250. I would take 250 days of sunshine. This vitamin D is priceless to pure happiness and survival. Places with this much sun live longer, have so much more joy and make me flat out jealous. I live for the sun. 

I live for sun. I live for love. I live for music. I live for words. I live for food. I live for nature. I live.

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