Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cheesecake shop idea names

One thing I've been thinking about for years would be a name for a Cheesecake shop I hope to open some day. Nothing really hits me.

-Chocolate & Vanilla (combinations you can create & eat)
-Shanna's Cheesecakes (just like mom makes 'em)
-Cheesecakes & Other Things (desert. coffee. smile.)
-Cheesecakes (slices, bite sizes and big hearts)
-Cheesecake's by heart (One size fits all)
-Shan's Cheesecakes (So good you'll ask her to marry you)
-Cheesecake Shop (Stop in and indulge)
-CrEATe (Design your own cheesecake shop)
-CreATE (Cheesecake your way)

Never realized how many stupid ideas I have...guess I won't know what will work until I put them down on paper.

That's what I've got so far. I will be brain storming more ideas & slogans, as well as color schemes and anything else I can think of. I welcome opinions.



Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dream & another cheesecake

I woke up last night with my left leg, toe to hip asleep. It may have been the 500 calorie burning workout and yoga I did earlier, but man was it weird.
I dozed off again and dreamt I got a flat tire on the front right side with Jon in the car with me. A woman then rear ended me and bent the rim of my back right wheel. She apparently just slid it off and hammered it back to normal.
I drove to the nearest auto body shop to get them fixed. Out of nowhere my Mom shows up with a pair of tickets to a Twins game in the 6th row. Amazing!
Jon and I were at the game wandering around. He banked some balcony seats at a restaurant overlooking the stadium and river/lake thingy. It was gorgeous and all I wanted to do was gp explore. It started to drizzle then I woke up.

Now, I just want to go to a Twins game or maybe just get an iced coffee.

I will be making the Dirt Cup Cheesecake for my sister's birthday & Ma's day for Sunday. They are excited to try it!
I'm amazed my family & friends still like to eat them. Does that mean I'm doing something right?
