Friday, December 3, 2010

Dream, dream, dream

I approached a tall building, which looked much like the Hyatt Regency in Denver Colorado, to have my doctors visit. It was a mad house. People of every color, religion, roundness, skinny, tall and short were lined up at the desk and elevators. I got my turn at the check-in desk and let them know I was there for my appointment. The lady next to me checked in then got a scratch off ticket, which gave her nothing in return.
My next step was to get in line for the elevator. I entered a square hallway brightly lit by the sunlight and smiling people. Some were in suits and dress suits, others were in jeans and t-shirts with scarves. As I looked around at the brightly lit colors that seemed they hadn’t changed since the late 1970s, with faded wood paneling and light blue linoleum floors, it was my turn to enter. I was shocked when I got in. Right when I entered there was a large pained window, like a single windowed gondola. To the right a map of floors to the building, all labeled by letters, in alphabetical order. Circled around, except for the entrance to the elevator were seating, to get a great view of our incline. There was also an elevator operator, the first thing I thought was, I wonder if she gets paid more than I do. She was wearing a tan dress suit with a white collared undershirt, a pink ribbon in her pulled back blonde hair holding an off white corded intercom to contact the other elevator operators.
As the elevator climbed floors, the view was breath taking, as if we were all going up a large gondola. Floor, A to B to C to D. My floor being E, I missed it because the view was fantastic. Views of the ground below were bright greens of grass and trees and rocks from the mountains it seemed we were climbing. When I realized I had gone too far I asked to get off on floor G to take the stairs. As I got off I saw the stairwell right away climbed down a few flights, but then realized it started to ascend instead of descend, which took me back to floor G. I entered back on to marble floors with elegant chandeliers which reflected on the beautiful black and white marbles floors. Everything was shiny and distracting. I came up to the desk and asked the guy how to get to floor E, he told me to take the stairs, but then told him that I could not because it stopped on this floor every time. I was told I had to see if the elevator operator would take me make down and go off route.
As I got back in the elevator, everyone said hello, like we were all friends. I then asked the operator if she could take me back down. At first she said she could not, then the whole elevator started taking my side to take me back down. They convinced her to take me down because I was almost an hour and half late for my appointment, 8:52pm, I remember seeing when we descended. The elevator crowd started to cheer as we went down in celebration.
I woke up at 5:34am, then entered back into my dream.
I just got back to my apartment and Jon’s mom was there helping me cook. I got a knock on my door, which I thought rarely happens. There, stood a woman that was on the elevator. A round tall black woman in pastel colors and a red scarf. She asked to use my computer to take care of a few things and said she would be able to get me reward points. I said it was fine. She sat in my antique yellow chair and I woke up.

One thing I always remember in my dreams is bright colors. My favorite part about my dreams. :)

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