Wednesday, February 9, 2011

other things

As I've grown through life learning about friendship. Losing them and gaining them, we are not all meant to keep those that have been around for years. We clash, we fight, we argue, and disagree. Although losing that long lasting friendship is hard to handle, life goes on. You get to think about all the good times, but then realize there were more bad times. When it comes down to it we remember how they make us feel.

Today I felt a neglect, not only for me but for others who believe as I do. No one should be judged, by religion, sexual orientation, social status, economical status etc., we are all the same person with a simple heart.

We all need to be honest, truthful. No matter how much it hurts someone, the truth is the best way to go about many things. Without the truth we live lies and wish something could change.

Love. true love. honest love. We all need love and we need to hold onto love. Tell the people we love that we love them everyday. When we leave the house, when we get off the phone, when they make a good dinner, when we wake is too precious to just look at it and wish it would be said first.

There is never a mistake made in life. Never a word not worth saying. What we do has been meant to happen. Regrets don't exist because truth comes out of everything.

Love is always the ending point.

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