Friday, January 20, 2012

Events and stuff

What a crazy couple weeks it's been. Life has its ways of telling you to slow down and just relax.

Simplifying is the hardest part. Your body and your mind will fight with each other non stop and you just have to find a happy medium. One thing that always brings me back to reality is love. The others are photographs and music. These three things have always been in my life. My family has been very close, we've always taken insane amounts of pictures and music is constantly in the background. You should have seen all 14 of us on Christmas. We looked like a circus show.

I love how my family is so far from normal. If we were normal, there would be no farting at the Thanksgiving dinner table and man would our bathrooms smell worse than they did.

We can bullshit about everything from how we said a certain word in high school to how long it took some of us to finish college. We yell at each other over a scrabble play, but then reminisce about my dad playing Santa every Christmas or how good mom's old pizza recipe was.

It's priceless how honest my family is. We take everything in and just shove it back, all in fun. We all think we're crazy, but yet unconditionally love each other.

There is no family like the Schultz family, perfect in every way. :-)

I also can't wait to officially join the Fisher family. There is something calming yet exciting about it.  Possibly because there are fewer kids cruising around, beautiful dinners we have, and amazing places I've visited. Everything is perfect in every way.

Cheers to the past, present, and future. It's been quite a beautiful ride. :-)