Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm getting married!!!

When I got home from work Jon said he was kinda cold and was wondering if he should turn the heat on. I was fine and warm, but if he needed to he could. We went back and forth a little bit, but then just sat down on the couch to cuddle instead. We chatted about what we were going to do that night and weekend. Talk about dinner and other things.
Jon then asked if I want to see some candy/food he got from work in a stacked box thing. I said heck yes and started following him to his office, he said, naw I'll just bring it to you. I thought that was nice of him. 
He handed me the stack of pretty boxes and I plowed through them, unexpectadly in his eyes, since he was kinda nervous. Mint candy, lemon cookies, chocoate covered pretzels, truffle, I thought yum, I can't wait to dive in!
I got to the largest bottom box and felt it was little light. I opened it and pushed the paper open and there is was in the pretty blue box.
I immediatly threw the entire box down in the couch and started weeping and looked at Jon and smiled and hugged him. He was already crying his eyes out at this moment.
We hugged & kissed again and again, he then said, well are you going to open it?
I said yes but you have to put it on.
I opened the little box and it was exactly how I envisioned it 2 months ago when we looked at rings.
He put it on my finger and we hugged and smooched and said I love you.
Then...I called him a punk. Of course I would, he was so sly about it.
He wasn't cold after all, just quite nervous/excited. :)

Everything about the moment was so perfect.

Memorable and original.