Friday, January 28, 2011

Banana Cheesecake

The cheesecake looks pretty, consistency is near perfect, but the taste is not so good. I don't think I've failed this bad at mixing flavors together.
The batter tasted amazing last night, but cooked was a fail. Let's hope another pallet will like it.
le sigh.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Mint Chocolate Chip w/York peppermint candies

So I made a Mint Ghirardelli Chocolate Chips w/York peppermint candies.

The flavors are light and the mint hits you just as you're finishing each bite; my favorite part.

Sorry no pictures yet.

Next up is Banana No Bake with melted Toblerone.

Have a great Monday!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Since I received one of the most amazing desert cook books for christmas and the best spring form pan I've ever had the opportunity to bake with, it's been an amazing adventure! (Thanks Trisha) I'm going to wear the pan out in no time!

I decided to do something a little different this weekend. I thought a no-bake with carrots would be nice and refreshing. I love carrots and I love cheesecake, perfect.
So I got the needed ingredients for the no-bake. It's quite tasty, but a little rubbery considering used gelatin. I think I will use evaporated milk in the future, there is more flavor and sweetness and the cream cheese flavor doesn't hide under the gelatin. Although...I couldn't stop eating the cake; it was so refreshing and reminded me of summer. I thought maybe, just maybe, it would bring the heat and sunshine of summer back faster. Sadly, it's colder today than it has been in weeks. Guess I failed at the whole summer thing.

I will get some pictures posted as soon as I can.

My next try will be, baking a carrot cheesecake and top it with sour cream/cream cheese frosting with cinnamon.
Next on the list is a no-bake banana with melted toblerone chocolate.

On the queue:
Green Tea
White Chocolate with Raspberry cream sauce
Mint Chocolate chip Ice cream cake

I am welcomed to yummy suggestions! :)


Friday, January 7, 2011

First Chocolate Cheesecake

Made my first chocolate cheesecake with 60% Cocoa Ghirardelli Bittersweet Chocolate. Wow does it taste amazing. It's like a giant melt in your mouth chilled truffle!!

Pictures to follow with chocolate sauce and smiling faces eating it!!

Today I'm also making stuffed chicken, wrapped in turkey bacon.
Chicken will have rice, cottage cheese, spice and a dollop of cream cheese in the middle.
Soooo excited!!!

Have a great weekend my friends!
